Saturday, June 2, 2012

Taking an inventory of my Embouchure Dystonia Symptoms

I decided to do an updated video over my Focal Task-Specific Embouchure Dystonia Symptoms. I show how I take an inventory of my symptoms and how to test them a bit. I tried to do it all in 1 video and ended up being 3!

Again, just wanted to let you know that this is what my symptoms are like when I haven't included any of my routine or modifications. I show a little bit of my playing routine at the end just as a short example. However, I also don't ever work on my horn playing exercises until I've done any of my prep-work (my buzzing, breathing, etc. other exercises and modifications). 

I wanted to correct a statement I said near the end. I should have said "You don't want to avoid embracing sounds you might typically think are bad sounding, instead you want to face them."

Also a disclaimer: This is in no way to show a proven method of rehabilitation, nor do I imply it will work for anyone. Rehabilitation is an individualized process, and not everyone has symptoms that effect them the same way, and every embouchure is very unique, especially in the way they function.

I want to make an important note that this is not the sum of my rehabilitation either, this is part of what I address in my rehabilitation: finding what works/doesn't work...learning how my dysfunctional embouchure functions. Rehabilitation is a process, one blog post can not cover this process as it develops over time. I can only show you what has helped me, and the learning process and developments that I do make.

When it comes to rehabilitation, I view my embouchure dystonia as neurological, not psychological, mental paralysis, or some other type of diagnosis that other non-medically trained people try to convince me it is. I address my symptoms through retraining exercises, making these types of adaptations, and using the exercises I do in other portions of my routine that I show in other videos, while always viewing my disorder as neurological. I try to find ways to adapt my rewire my sensory and muscle memory if that makes more sense.

Here is the other video showing my embouchure dystonia symptoms. This one I did way back in 5 months ago. You can actually see some contractions in my upper right side of my lip a little above my corner when I play. This was recorded on one of my better days. I only play a C major scale here 2 octaves, and then up to an high F and back down. Also, honestly, at that time while trying to make my first video I debated what to show in the was really hard to show my symptoms so I made it a short video. But I know in the long run, it's for the better. I feel more comfortable with recording now, so I will be doing this a lot more often and posting them under my practice journals.

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