Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Berglof: Latest Embouchure Dystonia Video, May 22nd 2019

(If the video doesn't work here, you can also view it on my facebook page: ). Originally posted this on my facebook page on May 22nd, 2019!

This is a really good example of what I mean when I tell people that during the onset of my symptoms my Embouchure started to move weirdly, as if I were chewing food or a huge ball of gum while playing. You can definitely see it in the chin muscles as they flex and how the corner muscles collapse involuntarily at times.

My first symptoms where not spasms....that's why I really try to explain to others that it's not just "the shakes". My first symptoms where a tiny air leak, then loss of control of larger movements/intervals, then progressed to loss of ability to decrescendo (embouchure started collapsing only on descending passages and on decrescendo), then after working on low brass playing for a few months and taking time off...then loss of control of smaller movements and spasms started setting in.

Anywhoo! Practiced a little bit today, but you can tell I'm a little frustrated. Overall things are feeling more stable, but now hard to move in certain ways...not due to loss of sensory/touch as much though.

The best analogy I can give is that Embouchure Dystonia usually feels like you are walking on eggshells or a bunch of wires that could zap you with a spasm at any moment, as if you are trying to walk on thin ice....but now I don't feel that way at this stage. Now I'm to a point where it's the opposite; like I'm trying to walk in deep mud and my shoes keep getting stuck.

The smaller muscles movements are more stable, but the larger ones are really being stubborn and not flexing in a natural way....they are slow to catching on. Instead of overshooting due to hyper muscle movement, it's sticky due to overly exaggerated movements/formations....if that makes sense? At least it feels that way. Still a lot of exertion or effort, but in a different way.

Thanks for watching and understanding! Sorry again for poor audio quality (also playing with a straight mute). 😊💕

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